Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
the life and times of -m and -p
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Stop #4: San Jose, CA
I'll keep you posted on our next stop!
New Camera
Stop #3: San Antonio, TX
Still wearing shorts in December at Sea World
...the great state of Texas. We are in the 7th largest city in the US...San Antonio. We have been here since the end of Sept. and we are ready to move on. For some reason I keep having to extend my contact for two weeks at a time (I'll get to that story later). San Antonio has been fun. The best thing here is the mexican food...YUM!!! We have been to Sea World, a Spurs game, underground Caverns, Wurstfest, Downtown, the River walk and of course the Alamo. We have also eaten at the BBQ Capitol of Texas. I guess that it was good...I wouldn't know, but I think Patrick enjoyed it! I got to spend my birthday here in TX so we went up in the Tower of the Americas for dinner and that was a pretty awesome view of San Antonio. The weather is crazy here. One day it's 80 degrees and the next it's 50 degrees. The wind blows like crazy. While we were here we had some awesome guests. Brian was the first to come out west to a matter of fact Brian is the ONLY friend that has come to see us every place we have been. Thanks Brian...I hope to see you soon in Cali! Patrick's Mom and Larry also came to visit and we had an awesome time with them...I think they will fly out next time though ;) Larry seems to have a lead foot once he gets past the Lousiana border ;) It was nice to have my parents and brother out here for Christmas!
One of the coolest things we have discovered here is Oak Hills Church, which happens to be the church Max Lacado is the senior pastor. For those of you who don't know who Max is, he is one of today's best selling Christian authors. We have really enjoyed this church!
The Big Purchase!!!
We made the decision that it was time to head west. It was a hard decision but we were ready. Since driving the Honda was not an option and my Explorer has 120,000 miles on it we made a purchase. The most expensive purchase we have made together as a couple...we bought a car. Very wise decision considering it is a Tahoe and we can pack a lot of stuff in there and it has a DVD player....very handy when traveling halfway across the country.
It took us two days (19hours) but we finally made it to Texas!
Stop #2: Boynton Beach, FL
Our Little Piece of Heaven
Jaxon's with Mama, best ice cream!!!
Key West, FL
We thought we were going to spend the summer of '08 in Durham but quickly learned that would not work out so we headed to southern FL in June '08. Boynton Beach to be exact. We decided to be smart and drive Patrick's little Honda down there since gas was so expensive and since I have so many miles on the Explorer. Ironically the A/C went out in we drove pretty much all the way (~10hrs) without an A/C in 90 degree+ weather. Needless to say when we got the A/c fixed and the gas was $4.39/gal we did not complain about that anymore. But we did learn on the way back to NC (at the end of the contract) the Honda was wayyy to small for all of our stuff and the kids. We lived there all summer...right on the beach, aka A Little Piece of Heaven. Loved FL, loved the beach, but the hospital could have been better. We spent most of the summer hanging out at the beach but we also ventured down to Key West with Brian for a few days. We also we on a cruise to Grand Cayman and Cozumel and lived through Tropical Storm Hannah. We actually drove down to Miami the day she came through...haha. Maggie and Henry discovered the ocean while we were there. We would sneak them down to the beach at sunset and Henry would bark and pounce at the waves :) Ahh, how I miss south FL and those white sandy beaches and that crystal clear water...
Stop #1: Washington, DC
I Just couldn't open my eyes for the most important shot of my life...grrr
We decided, after the wedding, that we wanted to pack up our lives (and the kids) and travel around the country. We started traveling in July 2007. We started out in Washington, DC and stayed there for 9 months.